What is a Role-Playing Game or RPG?

A role-playing game (RPG), is an umbrella term for a collection of different games.

What is the same in all role-playing games is that the players imagine an imaginary world, in which they control characters and bring a collective story to life as they play.

The players are free to make their character do whatever they want, although there are some rules that the characters must abide by.

There is a game system for everyone, every taste and playing style. Some examples of role-playing games are Pathfinder, Shadowrun, Fiasco, Only War, Starfinder, Tails of Equestria, GURPS, and Vampire: the Masquerade. And of course Dungeons & Dragons.

Dungeons & Dragons, that sounds familiar!

Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) is a role-playing game (RPG). It is usually played by a group of players of 3 to 6 people, plus the game master, who is called Dungeon Master or DM. D&D usually takes place in a world reminiscent of the Middle Ages, but with magic.

What do those dice have to do with it?

The outcome of most actions is determined by rolling one or more multi-sided (4-6-8-10-12-20) dice. This creates an element of drama because people are not sure whether an action will succeed.

This sounds suuuuuper complicated.

We promise, it's not that bad! The best way to learn is to just do it once. Whether you're with a group of friends who've never played before or you're the only one who hasn't tried it yet. Anyone can do it and everyone was nervous playing the first time.

Now I really have no idea where to start.

This Wizards of the Coast page has a free basic ruleset for Dungeons & Dragons. Also, so-called “starter boxes” are available from various systems.

Sometimes I receive dice with damaged corners/edges from Jack, what's up with that?

Dice are generally made in molds. These molds are filled with resin or acrylic mixed with a dye to achieve the intended result. After the dice have hardened in the mold, they are cut loose from the mold and sanded with a rotating drum. This last step is not always thorough, so the points where the dice have been attached to the mail sometimes remain visible.

You can always exchange these dice if you don't like it. The same goes for pits in the 'faces' of some dice (particularly in the numbers) and scratches.